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5-point approach to leverage your Infor ERPLN for Digital Transformation Journey

Updated: Dec 20, 2021

ERP is known as systems of records and traditionally helps in information flow across different departments as per the business process. A well-implemented Infor ERPLN (Baan) system can provide a proverbial single version of truth for management decisions by providing the right information to the right people at the right time. Stable InforERPLN also is the solid foundation on which you can start your digital transformation journey smoothly.

Through this article, we help you give 5 approaches to consider with Infor ERPLN as the backbone to start your digital journey

1. Assess Current Infor ERP Implementation

Assess the current business process and align Infor ERPLN with organizational digital strategy. IT and Business leaders agree and make Infor ERPLN, the central system for all transactional data. Change management initiatives and training on ERPLN can help to achieve the organizational alignment for digital transformation while leveraging Infor ERPLN Data.

2. Data is the lifeline for any digital transformation initiative.

A stable ERPLN system means you own a wealth of transactional data since the day of implementation. This data can be leveraged to identify improvement areas in Sales Delivery, Purchase Receipts, Production Performance, Inventory analysis, and many others. Assessing, correcting, or cleansing data is important before you can analyze the data. Finally bringing process discipline is needed for timely updates of ERP and that can help to have up-to-date information in the system.

3. Optimize Business Process

Digital Technologies have the power to reimagine the way the business is done and help design, produce, deliver, and serve the products faster cheaper, and better. In simple words, going for new digital solutions with old ERP processes cannot help you gain more value from Infor ERPLN. Infor ERPLN has a lot of new features to support the new business processes and based on your successful use cases of digital transformation, you can re-engineer business processes in Infor ERPLN.

4. Cloud Deployment

Cloud ERP deployment is catching up the heat, as it frees up organizational resources and ensures availability, accessibility and many other advantages. You can leverage either Infor’s cloud suite or deploy your on-premise ERPLN on private cloud.

5. Jobs to be done approach

There are two ways to go about digital transformation initiatives. Opportunities for improvement in current operations as well as bold new initiatives. Infor ERPLN with years of operational data can be a great source to identify improvement areas in logistics, production, service, warehousing etc. Breakdown the improvement areas based on “Jobs to be done” approach and develop use cases. This approach can help in testing your problem and the value it can bring to your business before full scale implementation.

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