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Image by Jacques Dillies

Supply Chain Planning

The platform provides solutions to help businesses with demand planning and sensing, supply planning, production planning and scheduling, inventory optimization, integrated business planning (IBP), and sales and operations planning.

Get in touch

Contact for

Are you facing any of the below business challenges?

  • Demand Volatility

  • Supply chain issues

  • Underutilization of resources

  • Inventory silos

  • Too much usage of a spreadsheet for manual planning

  • No mechanism to evaluate plans made manually


How can we help

Supply chain visibility

Infor SCP provides complete information on the supply network, which can be used for drill-down to find the relevant constraints on the network.

Proper Resource utilization

Infor SCP helps customers in achieving proper utilization of resources in constraint mode. System will restrict max utilization of resource by 100 % and covers the empty period for utilization.

Optimized Inventory

Using Infor SCP you can achieve inventory optimization, Infor SCP can help in on time delivery, reduce in inventory carrying cost, highlighting the obsolete inventories.

Constraint based planning

Infor SCP works in finite mode considering various constraints like material & capacity. It helps you in planning and scheduling.


Get in touch with us now!

We would love you give you a demo of our expertise. Please schedule a call with us and get the best solutions for your business.

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