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Seamless Technology For Everyday Business Tasks

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Welcome To nicheBees

nicheBees Helps businesses to become more competitive by transforming their core processes using ERP, Supply Chain Solutions and Digital Transformation initiatives to enable timely & vital Information for the Best Business Results

Our Passionate consultants work in partnership with our customers to deliver key solutions to their biggest problems.

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Business Group
Our Mission

Challenging the present, collaborating with all our stakeholders, ensuring un-paralleled commitment to deliver next generation innovative services, and achieving stakeholders’ advocacy

Our Vision

Thrive as a global leader by re-imagining business for our clients through niche services and business models, ensuring value, agility and effectiveness


We work with our customers to help them maximize their business benefits on their ERP, Supply Chain Solutions, and Digital Transformation Initiatives.

Our Projects

If you’re looking for a fast-paced, collaborative environment You’ll enjoy an innovative & results-oriented culture driven by the facts.

The smartest way to manage your data

Helping Customers improve operational efficiency, lower inventory levels, and increase customer responsiveness. Customers love to work with us for our solution oriented thinking and Flexible engagement.

Take a look at our best solutions
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Our Customer-Centric Approach helps our customer integrate their business functions to solve real business challenges

Infor LN Global Rollout & Harmonization

Sivantos is a leading manufacturer of hearing aids. Sivantos was formerly known as Siemens
Medical Instruments Pte Ltd. The client was established in Singapore in 1974 and is the worldwide manufacturing and logistics Centre

Baan IVc4, EPLN, WMS Support and rollouts

Chalhoub Group is the leading partner for luxury across the Middle East since 1955. As an expert in retail, distribution and marketing services based in Dubai, the Group has become a major player in the beauty, fashion and gift sectors regionally.

Helped Rolls-Royce on their Cost Margin Transformation 

Rolls-Royce’s vision is to create better power for a changing world via two main business segments, Aerospace and Land & Sea.

These business segments address markets with two strong technology platforms, gas turbines and reciprocating engines. 

Implementation of ERPLN at Messer Cuttings System 

Messer Cutting Systems is a global supplier of cutting-edge solutions for the metal-working industry.
As the technology leader in the thermal cutting industry constantly working on smarter, faster and
more reliable solutions with an added value for their customers.

Industries We Worked


Trusted Years & Journey Continues


Happy Clients Throughout


Countries We Worked In


Successfully Delivered Projects

Leadership Team

Passionate Leaders working to create value for our Customers through Innovative Solutions and Services.

Lakshmi Narasimha Moorthy

Sanjiv Raghavan

John Premkumar Vincent

Rehanesh Harindranth

What Makes Us Different

What Our Clients Say

Open Space Office

Holger Doerr

nicheBees Team has been dedicated, flexible and customer oriented combined with very good domain knowledge ever since we engaged with them for the last decade of collaboration....read more

Acquafredda Luca

We have been nicheBees customers for several years now. The team has always been available counselling and guiding us on standard ERP functionalities. They also worked on several projects developing custom tools used for our business requirements...read more

Dhana Pandian

nicheBees Team has been adaptive, knowledgeable and agile ever since we engaged with them for [5 years of engagement]. The team helped us on focusing migration activities by undertaking support activities, rollouts, integration activities, data extraction etc...read more

Request demo

To schedule a product demo with one of our product consultants, please fill in your contact details

Tel:  +91 79933 27909

Villa 27, Sark Two, Kondakkal Road, Mokila,Telangana-India-50120

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